Again With The WMD Talk?

Following up on yesterday's item about the Santorum-Casey debate, it's also worth taking a moment to consider how embarrassingly wrong Santorum is abo

Following up on yesterday's item about the Santorum-Casey debate, it's also worth taking a moment to consider how embarrassingly wrong Santorum is about WMD in Iraq.

"[W]e have found weapons of mass destruction, they were older weapons, but we have found chemical weapons. The report was just released not too long ago that, that said that there were over 500 chemical weapons found in Iraq."

Santorum realizes his WMD claims were thoroughly debunked a few months ago, doesn't he?

The only mystery here is the one that leads Santorum to believe he still has credibility on the issue.

– Guest Post by Steve Benen, The Carpetbagger Report

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