The Armitage Red Herring

Mother Jones The right wants you to believe the Plame scandal is over. It isn't. If you believe the Wall Street Journal's op-ed page, the conservat

Mother Jones

The right wants you to believe the Plame scandal is over. It isn't.

If you believe the Wall Street Journal's op-ed page, the conservative wing of the blogosphere, or any number of right-wing commentators, the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame has amounted to a non-scandal, a conspiracy theory drummed up for political ends by the left. [..]

In the Journal's interpretation, one shared by like-minded ideologues, this means that: "... the leaker wasn't Karl Rove or Scooter Libby or anyone else in the White House who has been accused of running a conspiracy against Ms. Plame as revenge for her husband Joe Wilson's false accusations against the White House's case for war with Iraq. So what have the last three years been all about anyway? Political opportunism and internal score-settling, among other things."

Not quite. Read on...

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