Mike's Blog Round Up

Blue Gal: Confronts delusional spiritual pride...and since we're talking Deacon Dubya's sermons on a " Third Awakening ," let's look at some

Blue Gal: Confronts delusional spiritual pride...and since we're talking Deacon Dubya's sermons on a " Third Awakening ," let's look at some more Holy Crap. The Bush family has a history of bizarre religious notions. Meanwhile, another religious authority was making his own startling pronouncements.
MyDD: What's going on in the Maryland's Fourth District is really bad, and it's a preview of what's coming in November

Happy Furry Puppy Story Time with Norbizness: The grievances against The Left, made primarily by lo-traffic, borderline insane, reactionary websites get a full airing

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America: Iraq & Afghanistan vets commend Senate leaders and Colin Powell for their unequivocal stand against the use of torture on enemy detainees. 29 Retired Admirals and Generals, Military Leaders and former DOD officials also urged congress to preserve the Geneva Conventions. Unfortunately, the JAGs made a mysterious and abrupt about face on the issue and the bill that came out of the Senate Armed Services Committee is, i n most important respects, practically a blank check when it comes to executive detention authority. Still, the Chimperor should retain a good lawyer...he may need one !

Crazy Little Thing Called Blog: Hey douchebag!

OFF THE BEATEN PATH: Contextual Criticism .... Pottersville USA .... The Gun Toting Liberal... Watchingpolitics .... KALETBLOG

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