Countdown Special Comment Preview

Guess that saying this just didn't make you sound as "decisive" as you hoped, did it, George?: "If you listen closely to some of t

Guess that saying this just didn't make you sound as "decisive" as you hoped, did it, George?:

"If you listen closely to some of the leaders of the Democratic Party, it sounds like they think the best way to protect the American people is, wait until we're attacked again."

Keith Olbermann will be making a Special Comment tonight to President Bush. Here's a little taste:

Why has the ferocity of your venom against the Democrats, now exceeded the ferocity of your venom against the terrorists?

Why have you chosen to go down in history as the President who made things up?

In less than one month you have gone from a flawed call to unity, to this clarion call to hatred of Americans, by Americans.

If this is not simply the most shameless example of the rhetoric of political hackery, then it would have to be the cry of a leader crumbling under the weight of his own lies.

C&L will have the video up after the show. Tell your friends.

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