October Surprise In November?

Well, to be truthful, I don't know how much of a surprise this will actually turn out to be... YahooNews : Saddam Hussein issued an open letter

Well, to be truthful, I don't know how much of a surprise this will actually turn out to be...

YahooNews :

Saddam Hussein issued an open letter Monday, saying Iraq's "liberation is at hand" and calling for an end to sectarian killings. The brother of the prosecutor in his genocide trial was shot to death at home, the latest death linked to proceedings against the deposed leader.

Saddam said he was addressing Iraqis in a letter because "my chances to express my opinion are limited" while in detention. [..]

"It was only a few times that I managed to address you through the farcical, so-called trial when the microphones were not switched off," Saddam said, acknowledging that he tries to use the trials for political propaganda.

"The hour of liberation is at hand, God willing, but remember that your near-term goal is confined to freeing your country from the forces of occupation and their followers and not be preoccupied with settling scores or deviate from your goal," Saddam said.

Imad al-Faroon, the brother of the chief prosecutor in the genocide trial, was shot to death in front of his wife at his Baghdad home and died immediately[..].

Al-Faroon's death came less than three weeks after the brother-in-law of the judge in the genocide trial was fatally shot.

Al-Faroon's brother is Muqith al-Faroon, who is leading the prosecution of Saddam in the genocide trial.

His death adds to the troubles surrounding legal proceedings against Saddam, who could be hanged if convicted in either trial. During Saddam's first trial, three defense lawyers were killed, and in July, Saddam and three other defendants refused food to protest lack of security for lawyers and conduct of the trial.

[..]Raid Juhi, a chief investigating judge in the trial linked to the anti-Shiite crackdown, said a verdict against Saddam and seven co-defendants will be announced Nov. 5. He said sentences for those found guilty will be issued the same day. Read on...

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