Bill Maher And Joe Scarborough Talk Bush, Pelosi & '08

Bill Maher was on Scarborough Country last night and talked about Bush's incompetence, the labeling of Nancy Pelosi as an "arch-liberal&quot

SC-Maher.jpg Bill Maher was on Scarborough Country last night and talked about Bush's incompetence, the labeling of Nancy Pelosi as an "arch-liberal" and Barack Obama's 2008 aspirations.

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I agree with Bill that someone like Tom Delay is far more extreme right than someone like Nancy Pelosi is left. Conservatives like Bill O'Reilly and Newt Gingrich try to paint (read: smear) Pelosi as some sort of screaming liberal with "San Francisco values" (whatever that means) but the fact is her "first 100 hours" agenda is very much in line with mainstream America.

Whether it's raising the minimum wage, implementing 9/11 Commission recommendations, lobbying reform, health care reform, stem-cell research, or no more deficit spending, the Democratic agenda is far more "mainstream" than what the GOP has brought us for the past six years. I mean, just look at the polling. Contrary to the right-wing myths and rhetoric, the Democratic Party is more in-touch with Americans on both foreign and domestic issues than are the Republicans who have become increasingly beholden to the radical right which is taking over their party (see: Terry Schiavo).

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