Mike's Blog Roundup

A LIBERAL DOSE: We already knew that the American electorate prefers terrorists to Republicans but now it appears that even dead people are preferable

A LIBERAL DOSE: We already knew that the American electorate prefers terrorists to Republicans but now it appears that even dead people are preferable to Republicans

Beggars Can Be Choosers: Get ready for the mother of all GOP propaganda blitzes as the extreme Right debates a coup against the forces of Eeeeviiiil!!!!

d r i f t g l a s s: Provides an invaluable public service by monitoring the Sabbath Gasbags and parsing all conversation through the driftglass Translate-O-Matic (Now with flavor crystals!).

TBogg: The long, dark twilight of the Dick

The Revealer: Lou & Ted's Excellent Conversation

The Morning News: How G-Dub will hang a nickname on every one of his new, non-Republican buddies in Congress

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