Judy Miller Has Second Thoughts On The Bush Administration

Wow, Judy, it only took you 85 days in jail, two ill-planned wars that have gone all to hell, a record deficit, the disdain of the global community an

Wow, Judy, it only took you 85 days in jail, two ill-planned wars that have gone all to hell, a record deficit, the disdain of the global community and the shredding of the Constitution to figure this out? Welcome to the reality-based community.

Topeka Capital-Journal:

Judith Miller, a former New York Times investigative reporter who went to jail to protect a confidential source, said the balance between national security and civil liberties has been tipped, allowing the Bush administration to become secretive about its decisions, intrusive into public lives and reluctant to share information the public has a right to know.

Miller said many Americans don't understand how their access to information and the freedom of the press have been affected in the past few years.

"We are less free and less safe," she said, explaining that there is a "growing secrecy in the name of national security." Read on...

This is my favorite part:

"I'm worried about bloggers," she said. "(A post) starts as a rumor and within 24 hours it's repeated as fact."

While she advocates a federal shield law to protect mainstream journalists from divulging their sources, she doesn't favor extending that to bloggers who don't follow the standards and [ethics] of the journalism industry.

Et tu, Judy? Really, you want to talk "rumors repeated as fact," not to mention standards and ethics? All those "WMDs in Iraq" stories you submitted to the NY Times makes that glass house from which you sit just a wee bit fragile.

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