Mike's Blog Roundup
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Tax Cuts vs. Tax Deferments Jon Swift: Proves you don't actually have to read a book to review it The Brad Blog: In a p
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Tax Cuts vs. Tax Deferments
Jon Swift: Proves you don't actually have to read a book to review it
The Brad Blog: In a process right out of the Bush/Cheney 2000 Florida Election debacle, the state of Florida certified the race Monday despite a 369 vote difference between the two and more than 18,000 still-unexplained "undervotes" registered on the paperless ES&S touch-screen voting machines used in Sarasota County.
Matthew Yglesias: Slandering Human Rights Watch
Democratic Strategist: A new online magazine, forum and meeting ground for Democrats from every sector of the Democratic community. The magazine includes articles by leading Democratic strategists, an innovative roundtable conference system and a weblog.
Night Bird's Fountain: The soul of any campaign are the volunteers. A look at some of those that helped John Hall win in New York's 19 district