Mike's Blog Roundup

A Tiny Revolution: Why did Australian wheat executives know we were going to invade Iraq 13 months before American citizens did? Was it because AWB wa

A Tiny Revolution: Why did Australian wheat executives know we were going to invade Iraq 13 months before American citizens did? Was it because AWB was paying miIliions of dollars in kickbacks to Saddam Hussein's regime in exchange for securing wheat contracts under the UN's oil-for-food contract in a direct breach of UN sanctions?

For The Record: Interview with the Consortium News', Robert Parry.  A man who a friend calls one of the wisest and most knowledgeable voices in the nation.  Also, go watch Thomas Schaller, author of "Whistling Past Dixie: How Democrats Can Win Without the South", on the Nov.22 edition of Washington Journal (slide the timer to 46:25). Schaller is an unapologetic democrat who stuffs wingnut talking points back down their throats. (h/t CW)

Daily Howler: If he wanted to, President Bush could change the tone in Washington with a single syllable: He could just say "ic." That is, he could stop referring to the opposition as the "Democrat Party" and call the other side by it's actual name: the Democratic Party

Red State Son: Usually a source of thoughtful, well written commentary, Mr. Perrin takes the holiday off and offers instead a few visual treats which remind us what TV talk shows used to be like -- creative people having intelligent conversations that lasted more than five minutes.

Progressive Blog Digest: Is composed of clips and links from other progressive blog and news sites, accompanied editorial observations and opinions.  Nick's mission is, "to get this information into the hands of as many people as I can."

HOLY CRAP: Student tapes Christianist teacher proselytizing in class--and the Christianist lies about it! ...Dobson: I Want To Cure Ted Haggard of Being Gay But Don’t Have Time...People refuse to believe in God because...? One in a sixteen-part series on the rise of the Catholic Right

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