Mike's Blog Roundup

The Agonist: The Iraq Study Group says the U.S. should leave one of these days... BobGeiger.com: In what has become a routine event, the cultish blog

The Agonist: The Iraq Study Group says the U.S. should leave one of these days...

BobGeiger.com: In what has become a routine event, the cultish bloggers for Bush have been proven wrong again...

The Brad Blog: An audit of Sarasota county's touch-screen voting machines has found several discrepancies, most prominently in Florida's disputed 13th Congressional District race

Hoffmania! "San Francisco Values"

The Intersection: Scalia, clown of Climate Science and self-confessed IDIOT

HOLY CRAP: Yet another Christianist pedophile (though not yet in rehab)...Alabama license plates...Catholic neocons went to Rome to try to sell the war to the Vatican...

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