If We Can't Have More, Then You Shouldn't Either!
I'm beginning to believe that the right wing is populated with a bunch of "adults" who haven't matured beyond a five year old mental
I'm beginning to believe that the right wing is populated with a bunch of "adults" who haven't matured beyond a five year old mentality. This kind of petulant behavior I expect from children, not from people concerned about this horrifying health epidemic that is effectively wiping out whole populations in Africa.
The Boston Globe reports that the Senate is considering upping the US contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria to $700 million next year - and the Right is not pleased.
According to the Global Fund's most recent fact sheet, more than 500,000 people around the world who are infected with HIV/AIDS are receiving Antiretroviral therapy, while millions more are receiving help fighting Tuberculosis and Malaria.
The Global Fund is raising and spending billions to fight these diseases, but some on the right are now demanding that the Bush administration cut off US support because religious organizations that believe abstinence is the only way to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS aren't getting enough money
[..]Some on the right, such as Focus on the Family, have been complaining recently that it is unfair to accuse them of not caring about anything other than their own narrow social agenda - but such complaints ring hollow when they try to cut off funding for global HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment simply because their right-wing approach isn't getting a big enough slice of the pie.