Mike's Blog Roundup

Norbizness: Another look at how "The Left" is harshing the national mellow...but good-bye to all that,  the real perps are the Assclowns of

Norbizness: Another look at how "The Left" is harshing the national mellow...but good-bye to all that,  the real perps are the Assclowns of the Week!  The solution? Neo-cons, like smoking and trans fat, must be outlawed from American civilization

Military.com: "Leave Iraq now," writes Joe Galloway, one of America's preeminent war correspondents.

The Opinion Mill: A swaggering indifference to world opinion, adolescent belief in the use of military force as the trump card in any situation — are embodied in the career of Jeane Kirkpatrick.   

The Osterley Times: Pinochet and the American Right

Looking for Someone to Lie to Me: FOX NEWS is hiring a "freelance fact writer".  The prospect of facts becoming part of any FOX broadcast is intriguing.  On the other hand, "freelance facts" have long been the hallmark of the network.

HOLY CRAP: Christianists force conversion on the powerless using your tax dollars and now the SCOTUS is set to weigh in...Chimpy's remarks at the National Christmas tree lighting ceremony indicate he's staying the course in the War on Christmas...Rev. Moon's personal United Nations?

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