Mike's Blog Roundup

Jon Swift: With just a little tweaking these Taliban Rules could be adopted by Republicans in Congress.  A Tailibanesque Contract with America might

Jon Swift: With just a little tweaking these Taliban Rules could be adopted by Republicans in Congress.  A Tailibanesque Contract with America might just be enough to restore the confidence of the American people.

The Gaelic Starover: Pope Benedict XVI rejects George W. Bush's claim that "God speaks through me..."

The Reaction: The WaPo editors act as Pinnochet's posthumous apologists. It is no small irony that the gods choose to reclaim the former Chilean dictator on International Human Rights Day.

Off the Kuff: U.S. Rep. Henry Bonilla conceded defeat to former congressman Ciro Rodriguez in a stunning upset that completed the Democratic takeover of Congress.

Radar Online: Lifestyles of the Rich and Fascist

ed fitzgerald's unfutz: Jeff Greenfield's sartorial insight

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