Mike's Blog Roundup

The Omnipotent Poobah Speaks! As we see it..."Boy in the Bubble" Edition that colored fella: Let me make my prognostication very clear here

The Omnipotent Poobah Speaks! As we see it..."Boy in the Bubble" Edition

that colored fella: Let me make my prognostication very clear here – Obama is running for the Vice-Presidential nomination of his party in ’08.

AlterNet: The Chamber of Commerce, run by corrupt lobbyist Tom Donahue, has turned into a pay-to-play vehicle for right-wing causes and corporate dishonesty.

David E’s Fablog:  Sue the bastards!

Angry Bear:  How much does this murderous insanity cost?

GRAB BAG: At least 14,000 Muslims held illegally by US government and allies...This T-Shirt will get you banned from flying...Inside view of an Oval office photo op...Two-Minute Townhall... Trotted out, but still uncharged as a dirty bomber...How can anyone trust the judgement of these clowns?

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