Mike's Blog Roundup
A Tiny Revolution: More lies, on top of lies. Jonathan breaks it down. Powell ranks first among the many so-called "moderates" who, four y
A Tiny Revolution: More lies, on top of lies. Jonathan breaks it down. Powell ranks first among the many so-called "moderates" who, four years ago, were making the invasion of lraq possible.
The Aristocrats: Cal Thomas interviews Rummy. Apparently, the man we all thought was a belligerent, pompous asshole is actually a regular guy!
Middle Earth Journal: Anybody notice who was always skulking nearby as our naked Emperor was busy pretending to listen hard to everyone with an opinion about Iraq...while hearing nothing?
Hit & Run: Doing the jobs Americans wont do (to stop people from doing the jobs Americans wont do)
Abu Aardvark: Arab attitudes, 2006
Demagogue: Ike fired the first shot in the War on Christmas