Bush's Christmas Pardons Do Not Include Libby

7Online: (h/t MrEMan) President Bush issued 16 pardons on Thursday and commuted the sentence of an Iowa man who was convicted on drug charges. [..]W

7Online: (h/t MrEMan)

President Bush issued 16 pardons on Thursday and commuted the sentence of an Iowa man who was convicted on drug charges.

[..]With this batch, Bush has issued 113 pardons and commuted three sentences in his nearly six years in the White House, according to spokesman Tony Fratto.

Pardons are an end-of-the-year presidential tradition, and Bush was not expected to issue any more this year. He last issued pardons in August.

[..]The list did not include former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, charged in the CIA leak case with perjury and obstruction.
[..]Bush remains the stingiest of postwar presidents on pardons. President Clinton issued 457 in eight years in office. Bush's father, George H. W. Bush, issued 77 in four years. President Reagan issued 406 in eight years, and President Carter issued 563 in four years.

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