It's Not Goode At All

Rep. Virgil Goode (R-Va.) had the unfortunate luck of doing something offensive and stupid on a relatively slow news week, when political reporters ar

Rep. Virgil Goode (R-Va.) had the unfortunate luck of doing something offensive and stupid on a relatively slow news week, when political reporters are looking for something interesting to write about. By showing his rather blatant bigotry towards Muslims, Goode made this one easy. He might as well have walked around the Capitol with a “I’m a bigot” t-shirt on.

As of now, Goode still isn't shy about his anti-Muslim attitudes, and the rest of the GOP still doesn't want to talk about it.

Since news of anti-Muslim comments by Rep. Virgil Goode (R-VA) surfaced a few days ago, a number of public figures and groups have cried foul. But so far, we haven't spotted a single Republican making a comment on the topic.

Sen. John Warner (R-Va.) offered some vaguely supportive comments towards Rep.-elect Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), but we're still waiting for the first Republican to denounce Goode directly. I have a hunch we'll be waiting for a long while.

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