Mike's Blog Roundup

Left I on the News: CNN and friends already do such a good job broadcasting American propaganda that a real government station could hardly do better.

Left I on the News: CNN and friends already do such a good job broadcasting American propaganda that a real government station could hardly do better.

ArmsControlWonk: The Defense Science Board Task Force has released a hilariously retro report on nuclear weapons

The BRAD BLOG: Tom Feeney (R-Abramoff) is back! And he's not taking any shit from any of those democracy loving pussies!

The Last Days Of President George W. Bush is an Australian blog. Here, Chimpy's recent incoherent, rambling press conference is dissected.

WINGNUTS GONE WILD: Hugh Hewitt says, "The Iraqis and the Afghanis are going to be as grateful to Bush as African-Americans are to Lincoln"...Over at The Corner, reality has donned a rubber glove and is probing the depths of John Derbyshire's political conviction...A rational person looks at our media and sees Fortune 500 corporations. A crazy person looks and sees willing accomplices of jihadists and suicide bombers...GOP radio host: Send Critics of Dear Leader Bush to Detention Camps

HOLY CRAP: Reason for the Season...Safeguarding separation of church and state...Our friend, Blue Gal has been blogging this past week on the battleground issues of First Freedom First, an umbrella organization supporting specific issues related to the separation of church and state...Republican says Christianizing Middle East will win war
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