Mike's Blog Roundup
earthfamilyalpha: Peace on Earth TalkLeft: The emptiest media suit offers up more nonsense Brad DeLong's Semi-Daily Journal: Modern Republicanis
earthfamilyalpha: Peace on Earth
TalkLeft: The emptiest media suit offers up more nonsense
Brad DeLong's Semi-Daily Journal: Modern Republicanism
Taylor Marsh: Russert picks two rightwing white guys to talk about faith on Christmas eve morning. No liberals, no minorities, and sure-as-hell, no women.
WINGNUTS GONE WILD: A National Review Christmas....Every bed-wetting blogger on the far fringes has fairly leapt to embrace the bellicose propaganda of terrorists and other Muslim extremists...
HOLY CRAP: Sun Myung Moon, Emperor of the Universe...The governing counsel of the U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, of which Dennis Prager is a member, issued a statement saying Prager's recent comments about Bibles and Korans were "antithetical to the mission of the Museum as an institution promoting tolerance and respect for all peoples regardless of their race, religion or ethnicity"....Mikey Weinstein is the founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, which has taken the lead on calling the Christianists out on their coercive evangelization, and their denial of the separation of church and state enshrined in our Constitition. And not only is this a Consitutional issue, it’s a national security issue.