Mike's Blog Roundup

It's "Merry Christmas", damnit!!!! Crooked Timber: A century ago, King Leopold of Belgium invaded the Congo and justified his grab for

It's "Merry Christmas", damnit!!!!

Crooked Timber: A century ago, King Leopold of Belgium invaded the Congo and justified his grab for Congo's natural resources with much talk about bringing philanthropy and Christianity to darkest Africa. Now what does that remind you of?

The Mahablog: Nobody can whine about being picked on better than righties, but this is outrageous even by rightie standards.

Balkinization: The Anti-Torture Memos...a compendium of substantive analyses on some of the key issues of the War on Terror

Bob Geiger: Has the cartoon's up...and this

OFF THE BEATEN PATH: Your Right Hand Thief...Mary MacElveen...Lawrence of Cyberia...The Sardonic Sideshow

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