Mike's Blog Roundup

Lassiter Space: More (unbelievable) war sh#t Eteraz: Creating a Left narrative on Iran. Plus, an interview with Iran’s UN ambassador FindLaw&#

Lassiter Space: More (unbelievable) war sh#t

Eteraz: Creating a Left narrative on Iran. Plus, an interview with Iran’s UN ambassador

FindLaw's Writ: John Dean writes that focusing on those who have aided and abetted, or directly engaged in, the commission of high crimes and misdemeanors would have all the positives, and none of the negatives, of going after Bush and Cheney

Needlenose:Farewell, Billmon?

Simply Left Behind: So long, and thanks for all the fish

HOLY CRAP: The proponents of the "intelligent design" theory of the universe are on the run...some prefer sound science...Which deep pockets are right for you? A consumer's guide...Have you been saved? What a question!...10 myths and 10 truths—about atheism...

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