Open Thread

Steve at The Carpetbagger Report has more on the "Lonely Kerry" photo, pointing out the picture may not be faked, but the story surrounding

Steve at The Carpetbagger Report has more on the "Lonely Kerry" photo, pointing out the picture may not be faked, but the story surrounding it obviously is.

Guess who helps prove that? Malkin. Go figure, she's dumb enough to sabotage herself trying to prove her point.

Steve: An apology, or at least a correction, from some of the conservatives who mocked Kerry incorrectly seems entirely appropriate.

I agree, Steve, but I don't think it's a-coming.

Reports are confirming that Saddam Hussein was executed this evening. While I cannot mourn his death, I do pray for the safety of our troops and hope that there is not an escalation in violence in response to this execution.

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