Casey Disagrees With Escalation, Loses His Job

I guess the first big hint that Gen. George W. Casey, Jr., the top American commander in Iraq, did not enjoy reliable job security came earlier this w

I guess the first big hint that Gen. George W. Casey, Jr., the top American commander in Iraq, did not enjoy reliable job security came earlier this week, when the New York Times explained that Bush believes Casey “had become more fixated on withdrawal than victory.” The second hint came yesterday, at the White House press briefing, when Tony Snow wouldn’t comment on whether the president is pleased with Casey’s job performance.

This morning, Casey is out.

President Bush is overhauling his top diplomatic and military team in Iraq, as the White House scrambles to complete its new war policy package in time for the president to unveil it in a speech to the nation next week, officials said. […]

With significant policy details left to be worked out this weekend, the administration is nonetheless moving ahead on several personnel changes. It is set to announce that Army Lt. Gen. David H. Petraeus, who gained fame for his early success in training Iraqi troops and securing a volatile city in northern Iraq, will replace Gen. George W. Casey Jr. as commander of the multinational forces in Iraq, officials say.

Bush’s line used to be, “I’ll listen to my military leaders on the ground.” Bush’s new line is, “When my military leaders on the ground tell me what I don’t want to hear, I’ll get new military leaders.”

BarbinMD has more.

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