Mike's Blog Roundup
Seeing the Forest: It's starting...Patrick Leahy has introduced the War Profiteering Prevention Act The Huffington Post: The animated "train
Seeing the Forest: It's starting...Patrick Leahy has introduced the War Profiteering Prevention Act
The Huffington Post: The animated "training video" the Pentagon and Department of Veterans Affairs have made for doctors at veterans' hospitals to help them understand and treat troops coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan with post-deployment mental health issues is absurd, insulting and dangerous.
Early Warning: Washington loves gossip and nothing satisfies the beast more than organizational and pesonnel changes that trigger still more, uh...organizational and personnel changes. We call it rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic
Needlenose: Can Joe Biden stop the war in Iraq?
HOLY CRAP: This Christ-tacular Pentagon video ought to scare the crap out of any freedom-loving American...We expect this crackpot to predict mass killings but why does CNN lap it up?...Crummy Church Signs...In Kansas, no news is bad news...
The Reality-Based Community: George W. Nixon