Mike's Blog Roundup

War and Piece: Twice a day, the clock strikes 11... hypocalypse: Rabid hate-monger and noted anti-Arab/Muslim bigot Charles Johnson of the toxic webs

War and Piece: Twice a day, the clock strikes 11...

hypocalypse: Rabid hate-monger and noted anti-Arab/Muslim bigot Charles Johnson of the toxic website Little Green Footballs is now apparently a Muslim scholar!  And this winger obviously OD'd on Kool-Aid, claiming IRAN is the instigator of the war in Iraq!

Bob Geiger: Editorial cartoon extravaganza!

Balkinization: Our government--including the once-great Justice Department--has lost its moral compass, to the disgrace of our country.

The Carpetbagger Report: St. John McCain update...

This Modern World: The threat to journalism.  If you are a fan of Tom Tomorrow cartoons and live in the New York area, see this.

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