Drudge Weasels To Jab At The Dems

I've seen a couple of posters mention it a few times and it made me curious, so I hopped on "the Google" to see what I could find. Ther

I've seen a couple of posters mention it a few times and it made me curious, so I hopped on "the Google" to see what I could find.

There it was, big headline on Drudge: DEM VOW ALREADY BROKEN: HOUSE SETS 4-DAY WORK WEEK

Democrats ran to expand the work week in the House to 5 days.
But guess how long that lasted?

Not even one week!

Sounds pretty bad, doesn't it? Problem is, Drudge is weaseling in telling the story. It's the truth, but without any context.

Guess where I found the context? FoxNews (I know, go figure)

It's only the first week of the 110th Congress, but Democrats have already called a time-out so lawmakers can enjoy a very important event - the BCS championship football game between University of Florida and the Ohio State University.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer on Friday handed out this week's schedule. It noted that House legislative actions would not begin on Monday, but would be postponed until Tuesday.

Here's the best part: Steny Hoyer took particular care to name a colleague who he was sure would really appreciate the day off to watch the game...his friend from Ohio. Republican and House Minority Leader John Boehner

"...In the spirit of comity, and I know if Maryland were playing, I would want to be accommodated and I want to accommodate my friend, Mr. Boehner," Hoyer said in reference to new House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio.

Now granted, the following week has Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, making a second four day week, but that's hardly dropping down the 109th's 2 1/2 day work week, is it?

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