Blue Gal's Blog Roundup

Shakespeare's Sister: Carnival of the Liberals, this time in rhyme! HOLY CRAP: The Rev. Bob Schenck is trying to convince conservative Christians

Shakespeare's Sister: Carnival of the Liberals, this time in rhyme!

HOLY CRAP: The Rev. Bob Schenck is trying to convince conservative Christians that Obama is not really a serious Christian. BTW, heteros are next on the fundie's hit list . Meanwhile, at Urban Outfitters, " the intifada has been Che'd."

Blog for Choice Day is January 22. And here's wishing the anti-stem cellers would just adopt a fetus and get real.

Words of Power: Bush-Cheney national insecurity team opens the gates of Hell, and wants to drag everyone else in.

PS. Photoshoppers beware, The Princess has the best. Condishots. ever.
Blue Gal

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