Blue Gal's Blog Roundup

Attywood: Ex-hippies write essays, and bloggers write essays about whether we're hippies. What are people afraid of? I read one hippie blogger sa

Attywood: Ex-hippies write essays, and bloggers write essays about whether we're hippies. What are people afraid of? I read one hippie blogger say he's going to the March on Washington against the War on January 27 . Oh, sorry, that's Skippy, not hippie. What? Skippy's gonna be there? We HAFTA go.

Balls and Walnuts : Spocko roundup, with the latest news on disneyhatesyou.com, coming to your computer soon!

Bob Geiger: Ted Kennedy's stop the Iraq War escalation bill is written in plain English. So is MoveOn's anti-McCain ad.

HOLY CRAP: The Religious Right fibs on same-sex unions. Is there a gag order on candidates when it comes to "separation of church and state"?

: The A-hole of the year countdown has begun...

Guest Round-Up by Blue Gal , who never knew there were so many Nigerian Royals needing urgent banking help until she published her undisguised email here. From now on it's bluegalsblog AT gmail DOT com

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