PBS's NOW: The Toll On American Soldiers
PBS NOW: As President Bush adds to the U.S. military presence in Iraq, NOW asks: are we asking too much of our soldiers, many of whom are on their se
As President Bush adds to the U.S. military presence in Iraq, NOW asks: are we asking too much of our soldiers, many of whom are on their second and third tours of duty? On January 19th, NOW follows the troops from Georgia's Fort Stewart as they prepare to leave loved ones this month and head back into harm's way. Through their personal stories, we witness firsthand the strains both the war and our
expectations are placing on America's military.Michael Murphy is one of the Fort Stewart soldiers deploying to Iraq for a second tour. "I think my biggest hope for this next year is just for it to go quickly and smoothly. I don't want anything major to happen to any of my guys or the rest of the squad or platoon," Murphy tells NOW. "But my biggest concern also is just to make it home with ten fingers and toes."
The NOW website will provide additional coverage starting Friday morning, January 19, including more voices from Fort Stewart, an original essay from one of the show's field producers, and a web-exclusive audio interview with Maj. Isaiah Wilson III, a former planner with the 101st Airborne in Iraq who now teaches at West Point and advocates standing back and giving civil war a chance.