Blue Gal's Blog Roundup

Intrepid Liberal Journal: Hillary's announcement is like drinking soda without carbonation, but hey, it beats the Republicanade a certain cowboy i

Intrepid Liberal Journal: Hillary's announcement is like drinking soda without carbonation, but hey, it beats the Republicanade a certain cowboy is drinkin'.

Sardonic Sideshow : The war in Iraq is a narcissistic disaster. Turns out the war on Jimmy Carter isn't going so well, either.

The Fifth Annual SOTU Predictions Quiz is here! (big h/t to Redd Turtle)

: Gonzales, Libby & Co. doing intelligence laundry: Place a piece of propaganda with a foreign news service and have it come back into US media and there you have it, news from foreign reporters, no longer propaganda.

Bob Geiger : Cartoon Round-up, including bonus animation. On topic, Harper's has one of the best cartoons of the month .

Guest round - up by Blue Gal, bluegalsblog AT gmail DOT com.

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