Mike's Blog Roundup

The Existentialist Cowboy: BBC: The World Rejects Bush's Policies Brainshrub: A comparison of headlines between Vietnam and Iraq...notice any sim

The Existentialist Cowboy: BBC: The World Rejects Bush's Policies

Brainshrub: A comparison of headlines between Vietnam and Iraq...notice any similarities?

Winter Patriot: Once again, we note the nexus of politics and terror. I guess fighting 'em there won't prevent 'em from coming hereafter all

King of Zembla: An invaluable documentary on America's 'secret' government

On The Media: Your deeply dysfunctional press corpse takes Joe Biden and Chris Dodd seriously, but Dennis Kucinich is treated like an amusing oddity

HOLY CRAP: There are no words to explain this "ex-gay" music video...Did you know the Bible was also a handy marketing tool?...The theological speculations of American athletes...Oh Lordy, wait'll ya see this one!

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