Mike's Blog Roundup

Confined Space: The final post at what has been one of the most consistently informative sites in the blogosphere. Good luck, Jordan, we'll miss y

Confined Space: The final post at what has been one of the most consistently informative sites in the blogosphere. Good luck, Jordan, we'll miss you

War and Piece: Iran hysteria begins in earnest, but there're indications that Iranian President Ahmadinejad is already in trouble

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Islamic scholar Gudrun Krämer discusses tolerance and freedom of religion among Muslims, the role of the Crusades and colonialism in today's conflicts

Hot Johnny and All of His Pants: A blow by blow account of Cheney's various acts of boredom during the SOTU address

The BRAD BLOG: Two Ohio election officials convicted of rigging the 2004 presidential recount

House of the Rising sons: A cartoon breakdown for the Bushbots

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