Mike's Blog Roundup

Candide's Notebooks: The Bush presidency is over...but don't get all giddy because some other Republican actually says something that happens

Candide's Notebooks: The Bush presidency is over...but don't get all giddy because some other Republican actually says something that happens to be true

Sisyphus Shrugged: And the Claude Rains Memorial Gambling Awareness Award goes to...

Obsidian Wings: Good leaders are hard to come by

The Largest Minority: New weapon coming to a warzone or neighborhood near you

The Satirical Political Report: Iraq Study Group poised to try a 'surge' of its own

HOLY CRAP: Abortion is legal; the murder of doctors is not...A lovely use of our educational system...No equality, please, we're Catholic...Even some of Chimpy's vaunted 'base' were unhappy with his big speech...Crazy, in that special 'Christian' way

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