Mike's Blog Roundup

Defense Tech: Double the troops and costs for "Surge", but don't blame the Decider, we have a new scapegoat....and the subject inspired

Defense Tech: Double the troops and costs for "Surge", but don't blame the Decider, we have a new scapegoat....and the subject inspired some fancy tap dancing at the gaggle

The Left Coaster: "Blame Iran" campaign stumbles

Simply Left Behind: Today, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will issue its fourth annual report on global warming, and it's expected to be a doozy. The American Enterprise Institute, an ExxonMobil-funded think tank, has offered $10,000 to scientists to dispute the study.

Talk To Action: Everybody loves Jesus: The unofficial lobbying fest known as the National Prayer Breakfast

Feministing: Hit me with your best (HPV) shot

The Aristocrats: The new face of terror

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