Mike's Blog Roundup

Taylor Marsh: There is very little doubt that Iran is supporting the Shia factions and the Kurds in Iraq. However, the factions lran is supporting are

Taylor Marsh: There is very little doubt that Iran is supporting the Shia factions and the Kurds in Iraq. However, the factions lran is supporting are the same factions that the Bush Administration is supporting.

The Heretik: B.S., the essential Washington element.  A friend sends along a related item, dated January 2002, from the neocon-friendly Washington (Moonie) Times.  Fascinatin' aint it?

The Mahablog: Rudy Giuliani praised George W. Bush for his “leadership” and “foresight” and compared him to Abraham Lincoln. I’m not kidding.  Then there's this guy...

Prairie Weather: "What people are looking for is judgment."

Crooked Timber: Good news...

The Satirical Political Report: Bloodweiser Presents-Real Men of Evil Genius

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