Sending A Little Love To Kevin Martin

Who is Kevin Martin , you ask? FreePress (from action email): Valentine's Day is Wednesday, and FCC Chairman Kevin Martin has spurned the public

Who is Kevin Martin , you ask?

FreePress (from action email):

Valentine's Day is Wednesday, and FCC Chairman Kevin Martin has spurned the public's love in favor of the largest media companies. It's time we won back his heart.

So we created this 40-second Valentine's Day video for Chairman Martin. Watch the video, sign the card to Martin, and tell your friends to do the same:

Send a Valentine to Chairman Martin

Last year, Martin was caught in bed with corporate lobbyists.[..] We need to woo him back to the people he's really supposed to serve.

2007 is a pivotal year for the chairman. He will be making several decisions that will have a direct impact on the future of television, radio and the Internet.
Before he gets back in bed with corporate lobbyists, Martin needs to hear from you.
Sign the card and ask Chairman Martin to:

1. Stop Big Media from swallowing up even more local outlets.

2. Prevent big phone companies from destroying Net Neutrality.

3. Help foster more diverse voices and points of view.

Take action today to demand a media system that puts our interests before those of the corporate media lobby. On this Valentine's Day, let's make sure the public can't be ignored.

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