Mike's Blog Roundup

Inside Iraq: Laura Rozen of War and Piece recommended this post. Also, this one, this one, and this one. The Opinion Mill: Creationist termites in the

Inside Iraq: Laura Rozen of War and Piece recommended this post. Also, this one, this one, and this one.

The Opinion Mill: Creationist termites in the groves of academe

MediaBloodhound: Our broken press corps continues, more than any other factor in our political system with the possible exception of money, to determine who is nominated, who is elected and what we think of them.

Bring it On! What would a practical prison system look like?

The Osterley Times: Condi flies to Israel next week and is determined to prove that the US is making progress in solving the Israel/Palestine crisis.  Trouble is, Olmert has taken so many issues off the table, there ain't much left to discuss.

Norbizness: A few examples of why I am uncivil and unfit for popular consumption 

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