Mike's Blog Roundup

The Daily Background: Gulping down, and then regurgitating huge quatities of BUSHCO Kool-Aid aint the only thing the New York Times is doing wrong Mai

The Daily Background: Gulping down, and then regurgitating huge quatities of BUSHCO Kool-Aid aint the only thing the New York Times is doing wrong

Mainstream Baptist: When 16 million people grow accustomed to hearing their leading evangelists, mega-church preachers and denominational executives spreading blatant lies about other ministers of the gospel, they are predisposed to accept lies from politicians.

Democracy Now! A "Vulture Fund" company is seeking a $40 million payment from Zambia on a $4 million debt

kissmyassgeorge: Here's a unique opportunity to contribute to our civic discourse (PG)

State of the Day: Terror by proxy?

TomDispatch: The Undertaker's Tally: The Rumsfeld legacy

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