Boortz: "Teachers Unions More Dangerous Than Nuclear-Armed Terrorists"
On Hannity and Colmes last night, Neal Boortz told an agreeable Sean Hannity that teachers unions are more dangerous to America than terrorists armed
“Look, Al Qaeda, they could bring in a nuke into this country and kill 100,000 people with a well-placed nuke somewhere. Ok. We would recover from that. It would be a terrible tragedy, but the teachers unions in this country can destroy a generation.”
Imagine for a second if a "liberal" (read: non-reality-denying) guest had said this to Hannity instead:
“Look, Al Qaeda, they could bring in a nuke into this country and kill 100,000 people with a well-placed nuke somewhere. Ok. We would recover from that. It would be a terrible tragedy, but President Bush's war in Iraq is, according to the NIE, radicalizing a whole new generation of Islamists that will hate America for at least 40 years.”
Although entirely and demonstrably factual, Hannity would have lost it. For more, see MediaMatters who has over 35 entries on Boortz and his right-wingnuttery .