Frank Gaffney Repeats WMD Falsehoods

Frank Gaffney of The Washington Times and the newly-formed -- and failing -- 'Victory Caucus' falsely claims once again that the Bush administ

Frank Gaffney of The Washington Times and the newly-formed -- and failing -- 'Victory Caucus' falsely claims once again that the Bush administration is vindicated for invading Iraq because Saddam Hussein really did have active WMD programs with which he threatened the United States.

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Glenn Greenwald (with some help from TinyRevolution's Jonathan Schwarz) has a post thoroughly debunking Gaffney's lies over at Salon. How many times do we have to expose you, Frank? When media personalities like Tucker Carlson roll over in the face of your lies, I guess it's up to us uncivilized and hostile bloggers to call you out. But who would ever take us seriously?

Gaffney's master plan -- that we simply need to commit to victory -- is captured perfectly (like always) by the invaluable Tom Tomorrow here.

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