Wesley Clark: Stop Iran War

Gen. Wesley Clark's WesPAC, in conjunction with VoteVets.org, has created a site, StopIranWar.com to be a one-stop resource for all Americans to h

Gen. Wesley Clark's WesPAC, in conjunction with VoteVets.org, has created a site, StopIranWar.com to be a one-stop resource for all Americans to help stop the looming conflict with Iran. The latest news on Iran will be available as well as online tools to contact President Bush, lobby members of Congress, and write letters to the editor to local and national print media.

All Americans want to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons and interfering on the ground inside Iraq. Yet President Bush's saber rattling gives the US little additional leverage to engage and dissuade Iran, and, more than likely, simply accelerates a dangerous slide into war. The United States can do better than this.

Whatever the pace of Iran's nuclear efforts, in the give and take of the Administration's rhetoric and accusations, we are approaching the last moments to head off looming conflict.

[..]Military force against Iran is not the solution now, and if we adopt the right strategy, perhaps it need never be. Urge him to work with our allies and use every diplomatic, political, and economic option at our disposal to deal with Iran. War is not the answer.

Go sign the petition to President Bush here.

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