Mike's Blog Roundup

Zaius Nation: The Partridge Family solves the Iraq war, with special guest star Britney Spears! (h/t Blue Gal) PERRspectives Blog: Bill Clinton isn&#

Zaius Nation: The Partridge Family solves the Iraq war, with special guest star Britney Spears!
(h/t Blue Gal)

PERRspectives Blog: Bill Clinton isn't running for anything, yet the WaPo slammed him for his speaking fees. Rudy Giuliani has made millions in speaking fees, too, and he's running for president but the WaPo hasn't noticed.

Defense Tech: The web is packed with folks wondering what the recent rash of helicopter downings in Iraq means to the American war effort.

NewsHog: How the neocon circle-jerk accomplishes its aim of pushing the narrative for war against Iran.

The Old Hippie's Groovy Blog: America's worst case scenario is now our reality

The Agonist:The US demanded that Israel desist from even exploratory contacts with Syria

HOLY CRAP: Until Rush Limbaugh demonstrates a discernable faith, is listening to him an edifying activity for any Christian?...The documentary film,Lake of Fire, will show us what the religious right would rather we not see: religiously inspired domestic terrorism...Maybe when Abu Gonzales was talking to the Southern Baptist Convention about religious discrimination, he should've told them to stop abusing their kids..."Conservapedia" is Wickpedia with that special wingnut Kool-Aid flava...
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