Mike's Blog Roundup
Liberty Street: How many Iraqis have died? Most Americans have no idea The Carpetbagger Report: Libby was anything but a " loyal soldier"
Liberty Street: How many Iraqis have died? Most Americans have no idea
The Carpetbagger Report: Libby was anything but a " loyal soldier"
Mia Culpa: Eighth U.S. Attorney axed in what has become a slow-motion ideological massacre
The Portland Freelancer: What shall we call the hybrid Peter Principle that is Richard Cheney? I think the Dick Principle is a strong candidate. The only question is whether the word "principle" should appear in the title.
10 Zen Monkeys: Susie Bright launches a fight against hypocrisy with a betting pool on when "formerly" gay evangelical pastor (and methamphetamine user) Ted Haggard will have a relapse
Bob Geiger: Editorial cartoon roundup