Mike's Blog Roundup

The Daily Dish: Take a look at what Obama had to say about Iraq in 2002. Mark says, "and this is the guy the press is trying to tag as too ignora

The Daily Dish: Take a look at what Obama had to say about Iraq in 2002. Mark says, "and this is the guy the press is trying to tag as too ignorant of foreign affairs to run for President? Try again."

Discourse.net: The US is bombing a city it already militarily occupies. This doesn’t seem to be a tactic well-calculated to win the hearts and minds of the average Baghdad resident.

Mock, Paper, Scissors: Many of the hot-button issues of the day have a common link: The separation of Church and State.

Balkinization: Yoo in Review

Cause for Concern: Just a small example of how ignorance is propagated by the right wing

Eteraz: Tehran, the BBC, and adventures in hyper reality

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