Sunday Talking Head Thread
(Photo via the Blue Bottle Coffee blog. The photos here are amazing, and if you are a coffee drinker, you can get a caffeine buzz going just browsin
(Photo via the Blue Bottle Coffee blog. The photos here are amazing, and if you are a coffee drinker, you can get a caffeine buzz going just browsing the photos. Great stuff.)
The Sunday Talking Head line-up is up and ready for the reading this morning. Although, in all honesty, the best action is going to be in the Green Room at Meet the Press. Why they don't have a Green Room Cam going, I have no idea, because I would love to hear Jack Murtha and Lindsey Graham talking honestly about the mess that our military is in at the moment -- and about what that means for our national security. And about the abysmal treatment our vets have been getting at Walter Reed and elsewhere. Imagine, if you will:
"Live, this morning, Rep. Jack Murtha and Sen. Lindsey Graham, candid and honest with each other about what a failure George Bush's policies have been -- but only on hidden camera, because Graham can't be truly forthright without giving up his Republican shill card at the door, now can he."
Now that is some television that would be worth watching, isn't it? Although, to be fair to Graham, I suspect that he's fairly disgusted by the Walter Reed mess as well -- would that blame would be placed on the shoulders of the person who has been commander in chief these last six years, the man who is ultimately responsible for this and for his failure of a Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, who couldn't have cared less about checking up on the treatment of America's wounded. But that's probably asking a bit much of Huckleberry to go beyond scapegoating the Army brass, isn't it? Guess we'll see...
And I see they have Treasury Secretary Paulson on This Week. Any guesses how many times he'll say "This is not the precursor to a recession, George. It's just a blip. The American economy is strong." Just once, I'd like to hear someone in the Bush Administration follow that up with "Why, all of my friends at the Club just got new McYachts. Where did you possibly hear that people are having difficulty making ends meet? I don't see that at all."
Yep, just another morning with a lot of folks who live in the Beltway Bubble. How is your Sunday going?