Blue Gal's Blog Round Up

Hillbilly Report: George Bush comes to Louisville and regular folks speak up. Now that's Kentucky. In Tennessee they cut 323,000 people from the s

Hillbilly Report: George Bush comes to Louisville and regular folks speak up. Now that's Kentucky. In Tennessee they cut 323,000 people from the state healthcare rolls and the President said that was "innovative."

Intrepid Liberal Journal: Does anyone care about America's Prison Industrial Complex?

Club Lefty: Great Expectations with Dick Cheney

Think there just isn't enough cursing in the blogosphere? The Captain finds even more sources.

And the "understatement post-title of the week" goes to Tufts Gadflies for "Bill O'Reilly, Not Exactly a Feminist." And the line to form a "women's cabal" to "terrorize" Mr. O'Reilly forms right behind me.

Guest round up by Blue Gal.

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