Bush Appoints Commission To Investigate Walter Reed

This is a step in the right direction but certainly just the tip of the iceberg. I'm confident the Congressional Democrats will dig into this and

This is a step in the right direction but certainly just the tip of the iceberg. I'm confident the Congressional Democrats will dig into this and dig deep.


George W. Bush on Tuesday appointed Bob Dole, the former Republican presidential candidate, to head a commission of inquiry into the treatment of injured veterans in US military hospitals following revelations of appalling conditions at Walter Reed – the leading US army medical centre.

The president's announcement came on the second consecutive day of tough congressional questioning of generals, with senators alleging that America's soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan were being "short-changed".

Mr Bush announced that Mr Dole would lead the nine-member commission with Donna Shalala, a Democratic former secretary for Health and Human Services. Several other inquiries have been launched in the past few days, including an internal army investigation into conditions at Walter Reed.

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