The Daily Show Slams Bush Over Walter Reed Scandal

For all the crap The Daily Show catches for being a "fake news program," their "coverage" of the Walter Reed scandal touched on ev

For all the crap The Daily Show catches for being a "fake news program," their "coverage" of the Walter Reed scandal touched on every important aspect of the story -- privatization, the absurdity of replacing Weightman with Kiley, comparison to Katrina, etc. -- all in a funny and thoughtful way. This is why The Half Hour News Hour is bound to fail; their agenda is to bash everything liberal...not comment on the news.

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"We have received word that many hundreds of American troops are being held in deplorable, squalid conditions. What kind of people would treat our soldiers in this horrible manner? Funny story...turns out it's us."

In the second bit, Jon digs through the Bush administration video vault and shows how the "party of responsibility" blames everyone else for their screw-ups (missing WMD, lack of body armor, Abu Ghraib, troop levels, etc.). And we all know there are plenty of those to go around.

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