Mike's Blog Round Up

Prairie Weather: The Army was pressured by the White House to hire a Halliburton subsidiary to take over patient care at Walter Reed. Truthdig: Excel

Prairie Weather: The Army was pressured by the White House to hire a Halliburton subsidiary to take over patient care at Walter Reed.

Truthdig: Excellent interview with Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski (ret.), a veteran of the Pentagon with firsthand experience of the administration’s cherry-picking of intelligence

TalkLeft: NY firefighters blast Rudy Giuliani

MediaBloodhound: The unindicted co-conspirator in the Libby case was your hopelessly dysfunctional press corps. The hackery continues...

Intrepid Liberal Journal: The criminalization of mental illness
Scrutiny Hooligans: The Democrat’s debate on FOX is dead, but Screwy Hoolie has preserved the special FOX debate rules and some ads they were going to run.

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